Greek Mythology >> Bestiary >> Satyrs >> Crotus (Krotos)


Greek Name




Latin Spelling



Rattling-Sound (krotos)

KROTOS (Crotus) was a satyr companion of the Mousai (Muses) on Mount Helikon in Boiotia. He was a great hunter and musician who invented the hunting bow and the rhythmic beats used to accompany music. The Mousai had him set amongst the stars as the constellation Sagittarius.


PAN & EUPHEME (Eratosthenes, Hyginus Fabulae 224, Hyginus Astronomica 2.27)


CROTUS (Krotos), a son of Pan by Eupheme, the nurse of the Muses, with whom he was brought up, and at whose request he was placed among the stars as Sagittarius, as he had been a skilful shooter. (Hygin. Fab. 224; Poët. Astr. ii. 77.)

Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.


Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 224 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) :
"Mortals who were made immortal . . . Crotos, son of Pan and Eupheme, was put in sky by Musae (Muses) as Sagittarius."

Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 27 :
"[Constellation] Saggitarius (the Archer) . . . Some say that he is Crotus, son of Eupheme, nurse of the Musae (Muses). As Sositheus, writer of tragedies [Greek tragedian C3rd B.C.], says, he had his home on Mount Helicon and took his pleasure in the company of the Musae, sometimes even following the pursuit of hunting. He attained great fame for his diligence, for he was very swift in the woods, and clever in the arts. As a reward for his zeal the Musae asked Jove [Zeus] to represent him in some star group, and Jove did so. Since he wished to display all his skills in one body, he gave him horse flanks because he rode a great deal. He added arrows, since these would show both his keenness and his swiftness, and he gave him a Satyrus' (Satyr's) tail because the Musae took no less pleasure in Crotus than Liber [Dionysos] did in the Satyri (Satyrs). Before his feet are a few stars arranged in a circle, which some said were a wreath, thrown off as by one at play."




Other references not currently quoted here: Eratosthenes, Manilus Astronomica 2.43.


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