In this article, we’re going to go over a few of the best Greek mythology quizzes that you can take online and test your knowledge or learn new things.

The Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology Quiz
This is a quiz created by Goodreads that tests your knowledge on the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. It tests your knowledge on the Twelve Olympians, Hades, Hestia, and a few minor deities and the role they play in ancient Greek myths.
An example question is as follows:
Who is the king of the gods?
- Zeus
- Hera
- Dionysus
- Apollo
On Goodreads, you can also find other Greek mythology quizzes or create your own!
To take this quiz, visit the Goodreads website.
Ancient Greek Mythology
If you’re looking for a quiz that will teach you about Greek mythology, this is a great quiz. The questions of the quiz are based off a linked article that will go over all sorts of information regarding ancient Greece and the mythology that comes from that period.
An example question is as follows:
Which of the descriptions below best describes the goddess Aphrodite?
- Goddess of wisdom and war who was the patron god of Athens
- Goddess of love and beauty who was married to Hephaestus
- Goddess of agriculture whose symbol was the pig
- Goddess of family and marriage who was the queen of the gods
- Goddess of the hunt whose symbol was the bow and arrow
Being able to learn more about Greek mythology is always great, especially if you’re just starting your journey into ancient Greece.
To take this quiz, visit the Ducksters Education Site.
Greek Mythology Knowledge Quiz
The premise behind this quiz is to test your knowledge of Greek legends. There is so much that you can learn by taking this quiz, even if you do know most of the answers. This quiz is also timed, so you’ll have five and a half minutes to answer the questions. This adds a little bit of pressure when it comes to taking the quiz, but that can be fun to some people.
An example question is as follows:
Uranus was:
- The wind
- The earth
- The night
- The sky
- The stars
To take this quiz visit All the Tests website.
Greek Mythology Quizzes Online & Trivia
This isn’t a particular quiz. Instead, it’s a website full of over 62 Greek mythology quizzes that will test your knowledge. A great thing about this website is that you can change the quiz to suit your requirements for taking quizzes.
The Greek gods have been the subject in many stories and legends, and have had some of their popular work redone. This website bases your knowledge on the original myths, which will really test your knowledge!
An example quiz is called “Can You Name These Greek Gods?”, and an example question is as follows:
God of fire; blacksmith to the gods:
- Hermes
- Hera
- Hephaestus
- Zeus
To take one of these Greek mythology quizzes, visit Pro Profs Quiz Maker.
Can You Identify Which Greek God is Being Described?
This quiz is found on Sporcle, one of the top websites for trivia and quizzes. In this quiz, you’re asked to identify the Greek god from a description. One feature of this quiz is that you get two minutes to answer all 15 quiz questions – which adds a little bit of pressure and makes this quiz so much more fun.
An example question is as follows:
God of fire and metalworking:
- Apollo
- Hades
- Hephaestus
- Ares
To play this quiz and others, visit Sporcle.
Can You Name the 12 Greek Olympian Gods?
This is a different type of quiz than all of the other ones that we’ve talked about already. In this quiz, you don’t get to choose from answers, instead, you have to fill in the answer yourself, and you have five minutes to answer all 12 questions.
An example question is as follows:
Goddess of the Hunt and Moon
Remember, you have to fill in the answer!
To take this quiz, visit Sporcle.
Gods, Goddesses, and Greek Mythology
If you want a quiz that comes from a reputable source, this is the one for you. This quiz comes off of Encyclopedia Britannica and tests your knowledge on the different gods, goddesses, and other famous characters that show up in Greek mythology. You get to answer seven different questions, and you only have 30 seconds on each question to answer.
An example question is as follows:
Which Greek hero was called “Tamer of Horses”?
- Paris
- Alexander the Great
- Hector
- Apollo
To take this quiz, visit Encyclopedia Britannica.
Nobody Can Score an A+ In This Greek Gods Test
This is a quiz that is driving the internet wild! It consists of 20 questions that range in difficulty and will test your knowledge on gods, goddesses, and other famous characters in Greek mythology. For instance, you can start with a question asking you about who the goddess of love, beauty, and desire is and then go into asking you about Demeter and what he’s the creator of.
To take this quiz, visit Play Buzz.
Quizzes are a great way to test your knowledge on different subjects, in this case, Greek mythology. There are so many different quizzes that you can find, including all of the ones that we’ve gone over here. Each quiz is different, some have timers, and some have answers that you have to fill in. That’s what makes them fun to do!
It doesn’t matter if you’re new toGreek mythology of if you’re a big fan of it, all of these quizzes are great to try out! So, what are you waiting for? Go and play some awesome Greek mythology quizzes that will test your knowledge.