Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac sign and represents those who were born between January 20th to February 18th. This sign always relates to water and is often called “The Water Bearer.” In fact, the symbol of Aquarius is that of a young man pouring water out of a jug.
Are you interested in knowing more about the zodiac constellation Aquarius and if there is a story about it in Greek mythology? What Aquarius animal relates to the Aquarius zodiac sign?
Below you’ll find a summary of the Aquarius myth and why it plays a vital role in Greek mythology. Then we’ll talk more about the zodiac constellation and what it means for those born under Aquarius.
The Mythology Behind Aquarius

The myth surrounding the Aquarius animal relates to the story of Ganymede, who was a young price that was supposedly considered to be the most handsome man in Troy. One day, while Ganymede was on Mount Ida caring for his father’s sheep when Zeus noticed him.
Zeus turned himself into a big eagle and flew down to Mount Ida from Mount Olympus. He grasped Ganymede with his talons and took him back to Olympus to be his servant/young lover.
Generally, with these types of relationships, the younger member is mentored by, the older one. However, you have to remember that this was Zeus, and he is able to get whatever he wants. So, he makes Ganymede a cupbearer for the gods – making him bring Zeus drinks whenever he requested one.
Ganymede is essentially Zeus’ personal slave, so Zeus offers Ganymede’s father some of the best horses in the land as payment for taking his son. This gesture satisfies the father, and Ganymede continues to be Zeus’ slave.
However, there comes a day when Ganymede feels he’s dealt with enough and comes to the conclusion that he would pour out all of the water, ambrosia, and wine of the gods. This was his way of refusing to be Zeus’ cupbearer any longer. The legend states that all the water fell to Earth, causing inundating rains for days and days, which caused a massive flood that took over the world.
At first, Zeus was really angry and wanted to get after Ganymede. However, after Zeus had a moment of self-reflection, he decided that he had been unkind to Ganymede. In return for his harsh treatment, Zeus immortalized him as the Aquarius constellation, which depicts a boy with a jug.
Aquarius Constellation
The Aquarius constellation is often referred to as the “Water Carrier” – named after the legend of Ganymede. It’s bordered by Delphinus, Pegasus, Equuleus at the north, to the west it’s bordered by Aquila, Capricornus to the south-west, and Pisces to the north-east.
It is one of the most recognized constellations and is one of 88 constellations that are recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
As we’ve mentioned earlier, the Aquarius zodiac is associated with Ganymede – the cupbearer of the gods. We’ve mentioned earlier that Ganymede was immortalized for his work with Zeus and the constellation represents him pouring from a jug, and the nearby Aquila constellation is said to represent the eagle form of Zeus who snatched Ganymede from Mount Ida.
Aquarius may also, when Pegasus is included in the constellation, be part of the myth of Mares of Diomedes, which becomes one of The Twelve Labors of Heracles. It could also be part of the Augean stable tales because it is associated with pouring out rivers and because of the nearby Capricornus constellations which also forms one of The Twelve Labors.
Aquarius is one of the oldest constellations that is recognized in the zodiac, which is the path the sun takes through the sky. It is found in a region of the sky called “The Sea” due to its profusion of watery constellations – such as Eridanus, Pisces, Cetus, and more. Sometimes, the river Eridanus is depicted as flowing from Aquarius’ watering pot.
The Aquarius Zodiac Sign Meaning
The meaning of the water bearer for the Aquarius zodiac sign is that this star sign can carry the emotion of those around them and not be influenced by them. This is due to their quest for higher truth. They are able to carry feelings to reach an understanding of the truth.
Aquarius has the ability to bear water, carry water, or pour the water with their mind. This can all be done because transmitting or carrying water, which represents emotions, happens through language.
Keep in mind that just because Aquarius is called “The Water Bearer” doesn’t mean that it’s a water sign, because it’s actually an air sign. With this being said, air signs are supposed to represent language – much like Aquarius has to do with language.
Now, you’re probably wondering, “What is the Aquarius animal?” Well, the zodiac animal for Aquarius is the owl. This is because the Aquarius sign is said to be a kind and humanitarian sign, while also being unpredictable and independent.
It’s said to describe creative and progressive people who like to make their own decisions regardless of the outcome. This sign fits the owl because they are shy but extroverted at the same time.
Final Thoughts
The Aquarius zodiac sign comes from a great Greek myth about Ganymede, the cupbearer of the gods. Ganymede was taken by Zeus in the form of an eagle to be his lover and slave. It’s a crazy story to go with such an interesting zodiac sign.
The Aquarius animal, based on zodiacal worship that people use to make decisions and find a compatible love connection, is the owl. This is because owls are shy but extroverted at the same time, which fits perfectly with Aquarius.
While this zodiac sign might be called “The Water Bearer” it’s actually an air sign. This means that those who fall under the Aquarius zodiac sign are also said to be kind and humanitarian. Plus, they like to make their own decisions regardless of the outcome.