There are many people who believe that the astrological sign they were born under has the ability to influence their mindsets; some might even believe that it can influence their destinies. While not everyone believes in this, there is still so much that we can learn from the skies above.
Zodiac charts are based on culture and geographic location. The Chinese zodiac is based on the year that you were born and attaches an animal to each sign. However, the Western zodiac relies heavily on Babylonian and Hellenistic teachings about the constellations. Simply put, the Western zodiac consists of 13 constellations that lie along the sun’s annual path across the sky.
Constellations are designs that can be found in the night sky. We know that the stars that make up a constellation don’t have a definite relationship with each other, other than the fact that they can be seen at certain times in the same area of the sky. Constellations are merely the product of perspective; the stars that can be seen in constellations might not even be near each other in space.
Zodiac Signs Constellations
As Earth rotates, the planets, moon, and sun travel on a set path through the sky – this path is called the ecliptic. There is a list of 13 constellations that they pass through that are known as the zodiac signs constellations. The names of these constellations are:
- Capricorn
- Aquarius
- Pisces
- Aries
- Taurus
- Gemini
- Cancer
- Leo
- Virgo
- Scorpio
- Ophiuchus
- Sagittarius
Twelve of these constellations are the signs of the zodiac, Ophiuchus is not one, that is used to make predictions. The sun passes in front of Ophiuchus from November 30 to December 18; however, no one is given the zodiac sign Ophiuchus. Why is this? Because Ophiuchus is a constellation, not a sign. This is because the 12 signs of the zodiac represent equal 30-degree sections of the sky. The 13 constellations of the zodiac are different sizes – that’s why it’s not included because it didn’t fit into the equal division of the sky.
Signs differ from their constellations and bear only a loose reference to one another. For instance, the sign of Pisces corresponds with the rise of the constellation Aquarius. From this, we can generalize that if you are born under a particular sign, the constellation that the sign is named for isn’t visible at night. Instead, the sun passes around your sign around that time of the year, which makes it a daytime constellation that you can’t see at night.
Zodiac Signs Constellation
It can be challenging to find a few zodiac sign constellations, but all you need to do is follow a couple of steps. However, some are quite simple to find with just one or two. In this next section, we’re going to show you how to identify your zodiac signs constellation.
20 April– 20 May: Taurus
The sign for Taurus is that of a bull, and the Taurus constellationis shapedlike a “V.” To see this constellation easy is by looking for Orion’s belt, which is three stars that form a line.
Next, look for the star Aldebaran, which isa bull’s eye and is bright red. Trace to the right of Orion’s belt until you find Aldebaran – at this point, you should be able to see the “V” which is part of Taurus.
21 May– 20 June: Gemini
Gemini’s sign is that of the twins. To find this constellation, you must look for Orion’s belt. When looking for Orion’s belt, you should notice four stars that are Orion’s shoulders and feet.
The bright blue star on the bottom right of the constellation is called Rigel. Located on the top left is a star called Betelgeuse and is red. After finding these stars, draw a line from Rigel, going thru the middle star on the belt, onto Betelgeuse.
Keep this line going until you get to two stars that are the same brightness – these stars are Pollux and Castor. These are the stars that make up the Gemini constellation.
21 June– 22 July: Cancer
A crab represents the sign for Cancer – this is the hardest one to locate in the sky. To see this constellation, the sky must be 100 percent dark. When you find this constellation, it will look similar to a “Y” that is upside down. To find Cancer easily, you should use the guides for Gemini and Taurus.
By using those two constellations, you will follow a line through the left of both these constellations until you find a big spot that is empty. This empty spot is Cancer.
23 July– 22 August: Leo
A lion represents the sign of Leo. To find this constellation, you’ll want to draw a line from Gemini and Taurus to find Cancer. From Cancer, draw a line until you find a backward question mark that is then followed by a triangle.
This is Leo, at the end of Leos tail you’ll find a bright star called Denebola – this means tail.
23 August– 22 September: Virgo
The maiden is the sign of Virgo. To find this constellation, you’ll want to locate the big dipper. Start from the cup and trace the handle along the arc until you find a bright star called Arcturus. From that star, you’ll keep tracing a line until you find a blue star called Spica. This star will look like it’s in the middle of a “Y”-shaped constellation – this is Virgo.
23 September– 22 October: Libra
Libra’s sign is that of the scales. To find this constellation, you’ll want to utilize the “draw a line across the sky.” The constellation looks like it’s standing in one corner and there will also be two other stars that form this constellation on the left-hand side.
23 October– 21 November: Scorpio
The sign for Scorpio is the Scorpion. To find this constellation, you’ll want to draw a line thru the constellations you’ve already identified until you findthe one that looks like a fishing hook, it should have a bright red star in the middle.This star is named Antares, and this is the constellation of Scorpio.
22 November– 21 December: Sagittarius
The archer represents the Sagittarius sign. The constellation for Sagittarius is right next to Scorpio, it’s a bit tiny, but it looks like a teapot. You can trace the steam that comes from the spout to the Milky Way.
22 December– 19 January: Capricorn
The goat represents the sign of Capricorn.To find this constellation, you’ll want to start by finding Sagittarius and drawing a line from there to find Capricorn. It looks like the outline of a smile and is nicknamed Marilyn Monroe smile. You can use the Milky Way to find Capricorn too, all you need to do is locate the triangle that goes through the Milky Way called the Summer Triangle – this points directly at Capricorn.
20 January – 19 February: Aquarius
The sign for Aquarius is the water bearer. The Aquarius constellation is hard to find. To find it you’ll want to use the draw a line technique to form a line from Capricorn until you find an oval shape of stars – this represents the flowing water from Aquarius.
20 February – 20 March: Pisces
The sign for Pisces is the fish. This constellation is hard to find, butit can be fun to do so! Using the draw a line technique from earlier until you get to a huge square. Look for the stars that go along the two sides of the square, outside the square, that will meet at one corner of the square. Each of these lines should have a rounded end to them. This is Pisces.
21 March – 19 April: Aries
The sign for Ares is the ram. This constellation can easily be found by drawing lines from either Taurus or Pisces. This constellation is a small square.